Vicki Allen-Hitt taught history, psychology and sociology for 25 years in Simi Valley.

She learned the power of art therapy while working as a licensed Family Therapist in California. The creative process enabled her to unravel the emotional aspects of her patients, especially children and adolescents.

Once retired, Vicki returned to college to study art. Studies included life drawing, abstract art, mixed media, printmaking, ceramics, and Art History.

Presently, she experiments with a variety of media and materials incorporating beads, foils, metal powders, alcohol inks, and sand. She enjoys photography and has included many in her series.

For eight years, Vicki has provided the covers for STRAITJACKETS MAGAZINE, an on-line publication.

She is the author of the highly regarded FAMILY MATTERS, A MEMOIR NOVEL IN STORIES.

Vicki served as chairperson of the Four Seasons Art League and currently is member of the New Media Art Group.

Vicki and her husband live in Hemet, CA, where she actively works in her studio.